Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Welcome to the Spring 2010 Semester

    Visual Basic.NET 2008
    Syllabus to come

    2 Midterms, 1 Final
    25%, 25%, 30%
    HWs - 10%
    projects - 10%
    msdn academic alliance

    David I. Schneider
    Introduction to Programming    Using Visual Basic 2008

create a new program
it will say "hello world"

HW: Goodnight moon program
2008 edition
# ISBN-10: 0136060722
# ISBN-13: 978-0136060727

2005 edition
ISBN 0130306541


  1. im lost when it comes to doing the first two homeworks that youve assigned in class. can you tell me what chapters should i be looking at so that i can complete them? im also having trouble saving it to the computers "p" drive so taht i can hand them in. the lab teacher had said that there was some from of "glitch" please email me asap at . i really appreciate the time you take to answer. thank you

  2. Hello Professor, I was trying to follow you in class but it's kinda hard, it feels more like you are talking to yourself rather than teaching. I believe I actually learned more from reading the book.

  3. >> I believe I actually learned more from reading the book.

    Good luck

  4. >>Good luck

    Luck!! Forget that. We need a miracle for this class.
